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!NEW Misc Potions

NEW  Miscellaneous Potions

iptwe02 - 7000 HP pots (1.5 delay)
ipabc01 - Elf Blood (45% attack 300sec
ipabc02 - Elf Tears (45% defense 300sec
ipexp02 - 100million exp rate increase pot
ipqsa01 - Lobster food (quest reward)
ipqsa07 - Crystal of Najal (50% atk maxhp 15% hp restore 15% acc 30 150sec)
ipqsa08 - Iron Man Potion (30%atk 40%def maxHP 15% HPrestore 15% 600sec)
ipqsa09 - Personalized Leach (def-30% 20sec target: another race)
ipqsa10 - EXP Potion
ipevn01 -    Chocolate
ipevn02 -    Flowers
ipevn03 -    Movement Speed Potion
ipevn04 -    Candy
bxdbr01 - Walnuts
ipdrw01 - Concintradted Poision - debuffs u and other race char
ipdrw02 - Beserkers Vile
ipdrw03 - Cremul Snatchers - a low duration net, nets you and the char
ipdbr05 - new composed pot
ipdbr04 - new defense pot
ipdbr03 - new offense pot
rebbb11 - new years exp recovery pill (90-100)
iptwe01 - Mad Cow Potion (20% atk  7min duration)
ipwem01 - Lone Wolf Potion (lasts for very long ultra slow tick ???)
ipwef01 - Fox's Mark Potion (target:member of your race)<totally make available


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